Quote of the Moment

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, September 21, 2006

SNL Favorites

E! has been airing the 101 SNL moments. I have decided in the spirit of the show to ask all of you to list your favorites. I have so many I can't decide on a set list but here are a few...

"More Cowbell"
Will Farrell as Robert Goulet (or Neil Diamond)
Janet Reno's Dance Party
Delicious Dish
The nerds (old school with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner)
Celebrity Jeopardy
The Culps (the singing music teachers)
Matt Foley (motivational speaker)
The Gap Girls
Lazy Sunday (chronicles of Narnia rap)
Anytime Adam Sadler showed up on Weekend Update (Red Hooded Sweatshirt...etc.)
Wake Up Wakefield
Leave a comment and share your favorite moments in SNL history


Anonymous said...

I can tell you one thing: I haven't found Will Ferrell funny since he was one of the cheerleaders with Cheri Oteri. But those cheerleaders - in the beginning, anyway - were funny. And loved Lazy Sunday, of course. Chris Kattan on occasion does really funny shit, because he's such a little creature. But I don't know the names - I don't watch regularly enough!

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats the old "Jack Handy" things...

Heather said...

Sarah, I so agree. I can't believe I forgot to put that on my list. Excellent choice.

Mickey D. said...

I agree, I enjoy the Jeopardy skits. Always entertaining. I think now, the only skit that has made me laugh in a long time, is the Debbie Downer skits.

And there is one opening in particular that I will always remember. Most people probably won't (expept for Sarah). It involves Jason Preistly and an ice skating rink and blood. It was hi-larious!

youthworker4all said...

i was going to say that i love all the celebrity jeopardy skits, but then i read the comment by roonie about the cheerleading skits. i forgot all about those. i loved them, too. and as i'm writing this i remembered the land shark skts. classic snl. too many good ones to nail it down to one.